


  • Home Arrive at field at least 1 hour before kickoff
  • Home team completes full set up for match meeting minimum standards (see standard worksheet)
  • Home team welcome the referees and away team and guide them through the facilities and clearly indicate where they will be for the game; side of field and location.
  • HOME team provides at least 4 official SWPL Xara match balls
  • HOME team MUST FILM/RECORD the entire match with sound.


  • Away team arrive at least 45 minutes prior to kickoff
  • Away team changes kit or wears pennies in case of color conflict\


  • Referees arrive at field at least 30 minutes before kickoff & Perform Field Check
  • Official match day roster - MUST BE PRESENT. If there is not at least one official match roster there is no game. BOTH teams should bring one,
  • The official match day roster sample can be seen below. SWPL logo on form and will be specific to the game with both teams, date, time, location.
  • Write all officials names on the report in space provided
  • *Check-in all players at least 15 minutes before kickoff
  • 20 players may be checked in for gameday.


  • Both teams on same side of field
  • Mark off technical area
  • NO ONE WHO IS NOT ON THE MATCH ROSTER ALLOWED IN THE TECHNICAL AREA. Only the 20 players and coaching staff.
  • Any player who is on the roster but not playing must be with fans/spectators, they may not sit on the bench or be in the techincal area with the team and they may not be dressed in the team uniform.
  • If the field is NOT enclosed (not in a stadium) then ALL FANS / SPECTATORS ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE FIELD
  • If the field is in a stadium then anyone not involved as a player or coach for the game must be in the stands and not around the field at all, exceptions can be made for anyone who is filming or photographer
  • *BOTH teams subs wear pennies while on bench
  • *BOTH teams use sub passes - SWPL SUBSTITUTION PASS


  1. Collect ref fees from both teams
  2. Collect PRINTED MATCH REPORT from both teams
  3. Verify both teams Coach/Managers
  4. One staff member must PRINT their name on the match report (they will sign after the game)
  5. Verify every player as follows
    1. Ask Player to give their DOB verbally to confirm what is on roster
    2. Write in player numbers if missing
    3. Manager will bring up team page on official website
      1. View and match each player’s name & photo on the team page
      2. If you cannot see player photo clearly or there is no photo the player is required to present PHOTO ID - drivers license or passport
    4. In the column "ChkIn" mark the box for all checked-in players
      1. Cross out the names of players who are not checked in 
    5. Write in players is only allowed for registered players with prior league approval.  Unregistered players cannot be written in on match day's roster (NOTE - it is not the responsibility of referee to determine if player is eligible, this must be confirmed by team staff with SWPL Registrar prior)
      1. ​​Write in names must be written so the full name can be read and must include date of birth

SWPL STAFF will validate ALL players after the game to determine eligibility - any use of unregistered (in-active, suspended, missing information, not registered, etc) will result in forfeit, fine, and possible deduction of points.



  • BOTH teams pay referee fees on field during pre-game check-in
  • BOTH teams present match roster specific to the actual game (date, time, location, teams)
  • *ALL PLAYERS must show photo on team page on website OR present photo ID (drivers license/passport - something with their full name, DOB, and photo).
  • *If a player does not show on the official game-day match roster you must contact our registrar to verify eligibility - email or text
    • 562-587-8661
  • *If you write in a player you take the risk of forfeiting and a $75 team fine for using an illegal player

*Failure by team to to do these will result in a team fine, forfeit and possible deduction of points.


REGION # of Refs Pay per team
SoCal 3 $125 each
Pacific 3 $125 each
Arizona 3 $125 each
San Diego 3 $125 each
Nevada 3 $125 each
Colorado 4 $355 home team pays

* In the case when there is a referee shortage and only 2 or 1 referee are available:

  • 2 man crew is $85
  • 1 man crew $55 


SWPL Women Max Players on gameday Sub Rules
League 20 Sub Cards Required - No re-entry in same half


  1. Mark final score at top of match report (on both reports if two were used to check in players)
  2. Mark goals scored at bottom of match roster
    1. must indicate player number
  3. Mark yellow and red cards next to names on roster
  4. Present the completed match report to both managers to SIGN
  5. Managers may ask to take a photo of the completed and signed match report to hold for their records.
    1. Within 24 hours - Send a copy of the COMPLETED match report to: AND your ASSIGNOR
    2. ​If there are any red cards or other issues causing a disruption in the game please provide a supplemental report within 24 hours and submit to the same email address above.


  1. Sign the completed match roster after referees have marked stats
    1. Confirm stats - goals, cards, injuries, before signing
  2. Text final score to ‭562-537-1472‬ - OR - post on WhatsApp group
  3. Login to your SportzStudio account. Record full stats on your game STATS TUTORIAL VIDEO
  4. Fill out match report survey (incidents, standards, referee review)
  5. Submit "Player of the Week" nomination (if you have a valid)